DEFCON & Internet service
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- Written by: steve-cyberfreek
- Category: DEFCON-24 (2016)
Well, we are knee deep into DEFCON 24. 2 days down, 2 to go and still spotty internet service from our provider. Well, it is still DEFCON and you have to expect these things. Rouge tower? Overwhelmed providers? Or could it be more along the lines of that there is a large gathering of hackers and security people. Over 22 thousand to be more exact!
With that sort of concentration of internet and computer junkies, what exactly should we expect? It is just one of those things, besides long lines and congestion of walking people we have come to expect ehen attending DEFCON.
DEFCON 24 August 4-7 2016
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- Category: DEFCON-24 (2016)
Well, it is that time of the year again. Blackhat and DEFCON 2016. As in the past, my main focus will be on DEFCON instead of Black Hat. DEFCON to me is a more rewarding experience, especially when I can get around into side conversations and "things" than just the regular sessions.
Don't get me wrong. Black Hat is an experience all in itself and you shoudl go at least once to this. I went a few years in a row and found that DEFCON was a more rewarding experience in my book. While when i went to BH, it was a Caesars Palace and I have yet to experience it at Mandalay Bay. Maybe next year. But as always i will be out and about within DEFCON. If you see me, stop me and say HI. I wear the only unique hat within DEFCON usually with the small DEFCON pin in it. I have received many compliments on it and enjoy wearing it. So if you see an old style Bowler, stop and say HI.
This year will be no exception. While I will be lurking, I'll also be attending some sessions that I normally do not do each year. Either way, it will be a great time had by all.
Cheers and hope to see man of you there at both Paris and Ballys this year.