Category: Personal Cyber Security

The advent of technology to help us also can be used in malicious ways.

Take ATM skimmers for instance. Technology is used to record both video and analog (pressing digits) to steal your Credit Card and ATM numbers and pins.

With the advent of pinhole cameras and their marriage to wireless technologies, Remote Control (RC cars, planes, boats, etc.) enthusiasts have seen these devices for many years now.

The first article shows a very informative short video on the subject.

The second link shows some of the skimmers and video devices being used to skim confidential information from ATM accounts.

The "crooks" are getting VERY ingenious. To me this is a a simple reuse of an existing technology for malicious purposes.

The best thing to do is to be wary of ANY device.  If it looks suspicious, forget about convenience, think SAFETY !

If you look at an ATM machine,  touch things wiggle them.  If it is loose or comes off or even doesn't feel right, its probably safe to walk away and try another.

Stay safe. Think before you use.