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Here's another one from so called Apple.  Imagine, you are an avid Apple User and you constantly back up or store things in the i-Cloud and you receive this email.  Panic?  No think calmly and dissect the email.

You'll be thankful that you did.  It's a fishing expedition!

1) The FROM email address is so long and malformed. But th emost important thing is that it DID NOT come from Apple!

2) Takes you to a different link and NOT Apple at all.  The link i "https://t.co/xiRh2CUo5l?amp=11vm5fegdhj8knr" DO NOT Click on!

3) Supposed to email Services at Apple?  Wrong, it takes you to an infected link. "https://t.co/xiRh2CUo5l?amp=11vm5fegdhj8knr" DO NOT click on this link.

Bottom line, DO NOT click on this link and delete this email, it's a phishing expedition!


Look for yourself at the image and match up the key points for yourself.