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  I walked into one such facilities at Ballys and while finishing my business at the stand up receptacle, a bunch of loud partying guys (hackers?) walked in.  I passed them on my way to the wash basin to wash my hands. I noticed that one guy stopped to wash his hands, another went to the stand up receptacle, another into the sit down stall and 2 were just hanging out. (since when do guys act like girls and have to have at least 3 or 4 joining them in the bathroom?) Well here they were making loud obnoxious noises and laughing at the top of their lungs.  I dry off my hands and hear behind me a loud BANG followed by more laughter.  It seems the stand up guy at the stand up booth fell over and took the wall with him, leaving an arch of fluid down to the floor with him. As they laugh and carry on, and other BANG happens.  This time the guy in the sit down stall falls off the toilet onto the floor laughing so hard, but wait!  He somehow lodged himself between the wall and toilet unable to move.  More laughter follows.

On the way out of the bathroom, I stopped and barked "HEY!" to which all stopped and got real quiet.  I then blurted out "Keep Calm and Pee On!"  Laughter and hilarity followed and I walked out the door.

Bottom line, I think they were trying to hack the bathroom.


 At some point in time, we all have to use the facilities for another reason. As I was sitting there, I noticed the toilet paper.  It seems to me that instead of annoying someone who likes their paper over the top or from underneath, the manufacturer came up with a dispenser to keep both sides happy.

Now I ask you, while it is an age old argument, does it really matter if you really have to go ?  I think the most important aspect is that there WAS paper!  That to me is more important than arguing about over or under.  But? does this matter to you ?


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