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Security Humor. Face it, Security is boring without some element of suprise or discovery, usually after hours or days of frustration trying to break, um er solve an issue.
Even Alexander Grahm Bell's assistant saw the humor when after months trying to send a voice across wires, Bell spilled acid and screamed "Watson, come here, I need you!" And to think the telephone was invented due to an accident! Whoops, acid spill, eureka it works!
Isn't the Security or Hacking world like that?
Things are found or discovered in the least expected places?
In high school, I had Study Hall but skipped out to pick the lock into the Auditorium (of which I was part of the Stage Crew) to go the Grand Piano n pick that lock on the keyboard cover to play the piano (the acoustics were awesome!). Little did I realize that the Principal's office was across the hall and he was a big fan of Classical but moreso piano music! He wrote a pass for me to play everyday! Study hall moved into the Auditorium! Look at the humor in that! Holy crap! I don't play the piano anymore!
But security humor is out there! Watch for it, be aware of it. It's out there, lurking. Waiting to getcha!


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